Upgrade of the Wandering Community Centre
The Wandering Community Centre was built in 1986. This building is the hub for the Wandering Community and has been identified as a building that needs to be upgraded to ensure that community expectations of a modern facility are addressed and the building is fit for purpose going into the future.
In September 2019 a working group was formed to commence discussions about the possible upgrade of the Wandering Community Centre. Since then meetings have been held to discuss upgrade options and some members of the working group toured several other local facilities to gather information of how they went about the process, what they learned, what they did and what they would change if they could do it over again.
The group then turned from a working group to a Committee and currently has three Shire representatives (Cr Max Watts, Cr Sheryl Little and Cr Gillian Hansen) and three community representatives (Brendan Whitely, Darralyn Ebsary and Lee Muller).
Some preliminary drawings were completed and a community consultation period took place in January and February of 2023 for input into what the community would like to see incorporated into any upgrade that may take place.
It is important to remember that this upgrade will likely be staged over several years and funding will be sought from all available avenues to limit the amount that the Shire will have to contribute. According to the latest census data the Shire of Wandering recorded a huge population growth of 20.49% from 444 in 2016 to 535 in 2021. The Centre will service the community for the next 20 to 30 years so we want to get it right!
Key aspects of the upgrade include:
- Extension of the existing kitchen and construction of a new store-room
- Refurbishment of the existing toilets to incorporate universal access toilets
- Construction of a new veranda overlooking the oval
- Construction of new sports amenities and dedicated storage for community/sporting groups
The installation of a universal access ramp from the Community Centre to the Oval was also much needed and has recently been completed.
You can access more information by clicking on the links below: